Monday, November 29, 2010


These will be informal listings sent by readers and placed in the right-hand column.


  1. ..."sixth day of piano music February 2011"

    The page lists a Recital 1 and a Recital 2, but I don't know what they mean.

    what they meant was that Evgeni had two recitals on that weekend, both times the same program. It was part of I think the "Days of Chamber Music", traditionally helt twice a year at Evgeni's Robert Schumann Hochschule. It is for free and takes place in their small concert hall. The atmosphere is very intimate.

    For the video on the IKID wensite, they chose to put only his Sunday recital on the internet. There were about 60 people in the audience.

    Recitals 2
    Frederic Chopin, Barcarole, op. 60, Fis-Dur
    Frederic Chopin, Sonata No. 3, Op. 58, h-Moll
    Franz Schubert Deutsche Tänze
    Claude Debussy Valse, La Plus Que Lente
    Alexander Scriabin, Valse, Op. 38, As-Dur

  2. Anonymous, thank you for that very clear statement.
    I'll modify the entry when I update later but your comment will provide the answer for readers until then.

  3. Anonymous,
    In a note you wrote Oct. 10 about an article for which the source would prefer not to be named, I could do what you requested.

    Please write me at andrys [at] about it as I won't be posting the note in this space.

  4. Hi,

    There's a Bozhanov recital in Paris the next December 11. More information here:,71853.php

  5. Thanks, Anonymous

    I'll get that info in the schedule section in a couple of days. Appreciated.


TO AVOID SPAM being posted instantly, this blog uses the delay, which can be hours.
Normally, am online enough to release comments within a day, and the hard-to-read match-text tests for commenting won't be needed this way.
Any concert info you have would be great - with links, if possible.